Saturday, November 12, 2011


Overall, the past week of fishing was patchy and tough at times,  though if you happened to be in the right spot on the day, it was great.

After Connie's marlin we headed back out with her son-in-law Brian, BD, Deano, Crozzie for another 4 days.   It had it's tough times with 1 to 2 bites a day, though finished the charter on a high with a really big fish fought for over an hour and a half by Brian at the final hour of the last day.  

Yesterday was our final fishing day with Vince, Charlotte, Jake and Len, fishing off the mothership "Aroona".     The first 3 days we had a few bites and caught Charlotte her first black marlin.    Day 4 turned around for us and we caught 4 from 5 with a nice fish est 900lbs & 3 small fellas, jumping  off another marlin around 800lbs.    Yesterday we had 3 bites and fought a huge marlin for an hour before breaking the leader.  Managed to get good video footage and the crew on the Castille got some great shots of the fish jumping away from the Top Shot.